


I paint now, not to represent a thing but to represent ideas, beliefs and philosophies. My paintings are about the act of painting as much as they are about an idea. I believe in communicating through painting, I believe in the power of the image, the mark, the material, it’s power to express the values, the ideals, the understanding of one person to many.

These conceptual portraits of ideas, of the intangible becoming tangible offer the opportunity to participate in the conversation. A conversation begun as far back as the Paleolithic cave paintings and talisman carvings. Our continuous societal conversation is one of constant change, through out centuries we have sent messages from one generation to the next, and they have all conveyed the same statement. Which is, “We are here”, we live here and we believe.

We translate, interpret, and experience works of art as though they were part of another language. As an artist, the grammar, and vocabulary of painting provide a framework for the expression of poems, and stories. We paint a memory or idea within the linguistic rules of painting. Our freedoms of creativity to express are contained within the parameters of the language as outlined by those who have painted before us. To explore the limitations of those parameters, to step beyond them into the unknown is the desired intention of the artist.

The inquiry into the medium of painting that I have been conducting for more than three decades is not the objective of my work, nor the point of departure. Rather, it provides the conceptual framework for it. Abstract pictures are fictive models, they make visible a reality which can neither be seen nor described, but whose existence we can believe in.

You can visit my portfolio here.