The firm Directnet of contracted me to build their new SOHO automated answering service interface. It was a rush job and had to be built within 3 weeks. As always, I guaranteed delivery, they had their interface designed and coded by the delivery date. This project used the Smarty template engine, and was built in html5. I wrote the template code, the css, and for the javascript I used the mootools js framework.
The firm Fongo of contracted me to build the new DellVoice web site. It was a rush job and had to be built within the week. As always, I guaranteed delivery, they had their site live in under 7 days. With the tremendous assistance of Mike Young of Fibernetics as art director.
I recently launched the new marketing site for at I designed developed and produced this project for a local Canadian telco company.

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Lovehorns now on youtube
The lovehorns project is now on YouTube.
I’m just putting the finishing touches on Kyle Jackson an artist from Nova Scotia Canada has been in the studio developing his latest series of interactive art called the lovehorn.
The Lovehorn is an interactive art sculpture offering a fun and imaginative way to express yourself and start conversations. Honking this happy rubber horn, housed in a custom carved and painted box sculpture ( 1 foot sq. x 4 inch deep), makes you smile, transmits your emotions and sends out a charming, colourful, and contemplative message.
This is the ultimate hug maker, honking this horn can mean any number of things, from lets get silly to I need some loving. Have a look at the site and let me know what you think.
This is a recent project which I’ve been participating in as one of the founders. We have set up this group to help foster interest and knowledge in the field of Robotics. The principal languages of this community are Spanish and Catalan, although english is also represented. We are mainly focused on activities , forums, conferences and such originating in Europe and more specifically Spain. If you’re a bot nut, join the group, or just stop in and check it out.
Recently launched the new video site for Tato Flores at Eduardo Tato Flores Torres is a Director of Photography working on such films as BABEL, THE LEGEND OF ZORRO and A DAY WITHOUT A MEXICAN. As a personal portfolio site you can view various samples of his work online or download his reel. This site has been built on top of Joomla with heavy modifications. There’s not a single module that hasn’t been custom built or heavily modified.